Iran envoy: US Must Be Held Accountable for Abusing UN Security Council

Iran’s permanent ambassador to the United Nations office in Geneva has criticized the United States for attempting to extend an arms embargo against the Islamic Republic, saying the US must be held to account for taking advantage of the UN Security Council to achieve its own political goals.

“US must be held to account and bear responsibility, not to be APPEASEMBOLDENED, for its bullying behavior and recurring pattern of wrongful (ab)use of the #UNSC & manipulation of its decisions,” Esmaeil Baghaei Hamaneh tweeted on Sunday.
He added that Washington’s invocation of Security Council Resolution 2231, which endorses a landmark 2015 nuclear between Iran and major world powers, is a “travesty, flouting a fundamental principle” governing international relations.
In his tweet, the Iranian diplomat included Article 91 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which says, “…a party, which disowns or doesn’t fulfill its own obligations cannot be recognized as retaining the rights, which it claims to derive from the relationship.”

Source: Press TV

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