Preparations for the collective wedding of 3300 brides and grooms in the capital, Sana’a

The General Authority for Zakat will organize tomorrow, Wednesday, in Sana’a, the largest group wedding of its kind, dedicated to the number of 3300 brides and grooms from the poor, the needy, the handicapped, the wounded and the released prisoners, as well as the elderly who are unable to bear the wedding expenses.

It came in Sana’a within the framework of the General Authority for Zakat’s contribution to adopting collective weddings in the various governorates of the Republic and within the great and sincere interest of the leader of the revolution, Sayyed. Abdul-Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, may Allah protect him. He affirms in all his speeches the great concern for the sons and daughtes of the martyrs, the poor, the needy, and the wounded of the army and the popular committees who They wrote the most wonderful heroic epics on the fronts of honor , as well as the heroic prisoners who sacrificed their lives in victory for the religion of Allah.

The Zakat Authority is working on adopting group weddings in order to support insolvent people in completing half of their debt by spending the Zakat due in accordance with the tolerant Islamic Sharia. Because they are among the poor and needy who must be provided with aid certified by the b

ook of Allah Almighty and the rulings of the true Islamic religion.


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