Interior Ministry Spokesperson: 1,627 crimes and 173 members of the aggression were arrested during July

The official spokesman for the Ministry of Interior, Brigadier General Abdul-Khaleq Al-Ajri, said that the General Administration of Criminal Investigation and its branches in the governorates have achieved tangible success in controlling crime and reducing its occurrence.1,627 Different crimes were seized in the capital and the governorates, and 18 crimes were foiled before they occurred during the month of July 2021.

He indicated that the investigation and gathering of evidence resulted in the circumstances and ambiguities of 44 crimes committed in previous periods and whose perpetrator was still unknown, were revealed, arresting their perpetrators.

He pointed out that the criminal investigation arrested 173 members of the US-Saudi aggression during the month of July.

In the field of theft crimes, Brigadier General Al-Ajri stated that the criminal investigation managed, during the past month, to seize 199 different theft crimes, and to regain 8 stolen cars and 18 motorcycles.

He noted that the General Directorate of Criminal Investigation was able to seize 9 crimes of smuggling, possession, promotion and use of drugs.

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