Yemeni Forces Reaches to the Mediterranean Sea.. A Major Shift in the Battle

The Yemeni armed forces have initiated offensive operations toward the Mediterranean Sea, targeting ships attempting to enter occupied Palestinian ports and supply goods to the Zionist entity. The precise strikes were carried out by the Armed Air Force and Rocketry Unit against the Israeli-flagged vessel “ESSEX.” During its attempts to breach the imposed embargo, the ship was hit by long-range missiles.

Nature of the Operations:

These operations reflect the fourth escalation round launched by Sayyid Abdulmalik al-Houthi. Despite being in its initial stages, this escalation has demonstrated remarkable effectiveness in achieving its objectives. It has faced complex operational and technological challenges due to geographical distances and the defensive systems deployed by the Zionist and American forces in the Red Sea, as well as adjacent areas and occupied Palestinian territories. Nevertheless, with the help of Allah, it has revealed a new level of capability and impact.

The recent operation targeting the ESSEX was highly significant. It involved tracking the ship’s identity and destination based on precise reconnaissance information. The vessel was then struck by multiple long-range missiles, as confirmed by the spokesperson for the Armed Forces, Brigadier General Yahya Saree. This operation underscores the Yemeni forces’ growing presence in the Mediterranean Sea, with advanced strategic missile capabilities surpassing previous missile systems.

By successfully covering these distances and reaching the Mediterranean Sea, Yemeni forces have surpassed all air defense systems deployed by the American and Israeli enemies. This achievement, made possible by Allah’s grace, signifies a pivotal moment with far-reaching implications for Israel, the United States, and the overall balance of power.

Recently, the enemy has intensified efforts to enhance its aerial defense capabilities in Umm Rashrash (Eilat) port and other areas adjacent to the Red Sea. These measures include deploying large Israeli defense systems , such as the Iron Dome batteries, David’s Sling systems, and Arrow-2 and Arrow-3 long-range missile systems. Additionally, the recent establishment of joint radar control (radar integration)  in collaboration with some Gulf states, including Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt. These allow for coordinated control and information leaking, maximizing early threat detection capabilities.

Therefore, Yemeni forces’ successful penetration of these extensive and sophisticated defense systems, as well as the radar integration networks established for the first time between the enemy and Gulf states, represents a decisive blow to these preparations. It marks a critical turning point, challenging the defensive barriers and assumptions relied upon by the Israeli entity, particularly in this phase.

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