International organizations are in the balance of evaluation in Yemen


Several specialists and stakeholders in Yemen called on the international organizations working in the Republic of Yemen to fulfill their moral and professional duty regarding the aggression and unfair siege that Yemen is subjected to, according to humanitarian standards, and not for the sake of achieving self-interest.

Several officials in the Salvation Government, during a workshop organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to assess humanitarian aid, held international organizations responsible for manipulating humanitarian aid, noting the shortcomings for the organizations during the past years

Ali Al-Dailami, Deputy Minister of Human Rights in the Salvation Government, explained that the international organizations working in Yemen did not provide any service to the Yemenis that amounted to false human slogans, stressing that many organizations have become unwelcome in Yemen if they do not do their job properly.

For his part, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Mohammed Hajar, stressed that international organizations working in humanitarian aid should adhere to the principles of honesty and independence.

He stressed that stopping the aggression and lifting the siege only could relieve the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, which is the largest in the world.

He added that the aggression caused the emergence of the largest humanitarian crisis, as a result of the blockade and destroyed all the capabilities of the infrastructure, stressing that facilitating the conditions of humanitarian work is a priority of the Supreme Political Council.

For his part, Deputy Head of the International Organizations and Conferences Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Muhammad al-Sada, explained that Yemen is among the 150 countries receiving aid and has been ranked 78th since the 1990s.

He pointed out that the international community provided Yemen with only 5.5 billion dollars from 1995 to 2009, which is a reckless amount compared to countries with which Yemen shared development factors.

He pointed out that despite the aggression and the blockade since 2015, 14 million Yemenis were affected, but Yemen is not among the first 10 countries to receive aid, which confirms that the interests of donors are at the forefront, and it also does not care about the results of aid.

Ambassador Mohamed Al-Sada stressed that the comprehensive blockade of Yemen contributed to the deepening of the humanitarian crisis, and the closure of Sanaa airport represented a flagrant violation of international laws, noting that international organizations ignore calls to reopen the airport.

The Ministry of Health confirmed in a press conference held in Sanaa that international organizations have transferred 60% of the value of the aid to operating expenses.

The Ministry of Health indicated that the rate of organizations’ response to the health sector’s need for equipment was 4% .. pointing out that there are medical devices provided by organizations that are incomplete or not in conformity with technical specifications.

Dr. Taha al-Mutawakkil, the Minister of Health, accused the United Nations of delaying the provision of a single cardiac catheterization device.

He also blamed the Saudi-led aggression of preventing merchants from importing it, added that “the patients are doomed to death.”


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