Several Saudi-led strikes hit the capital Sanaa, Taiz, and Al-Jawf

The brutal US-Saudi aggression air forces launched a series of raids on the capital’s secretariat and the governorates of Sana’a, Taiz, and Al-Jawf, while the aggression forces ’violations of the ceasefire agreement in Hodeidah governorate continued during the past 24 hours.

In Jawf, the warplanes waged two raids on al-Ghail district and an airstrike on Motoon district.

In Sanaa, the warplanes waged three raids on Jaraban area of Sanhan district, two strikes on Atan and three on Nehm district.

In Taiz, the warplanes waged two strikes on the airport at Tae’zyah district.

From the beginning of war against Yemen, the US-Saudi-led aggression coalition worst crimes were committed, dozens of victims were killed, injured and homes were destroyed in 2015.


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