60 Yemeni judges, officials killed in the aggression airstrikes for five years

The U.S. Saudi-led aggression coalition fighter jets have killed 60 Yemeni judges and administrators since the beginning of the war on Yemen in March 2015, according to a Justice Minister report on Thursday.

The coalition airstrikes destroyed 39 judicial institutions in the governorates of Hajjah, Amran, Taiz, Shabwa,Lahj, Saada, Abyan, Hodeidah, Sanaa, Jawf, Bayda, and Ibb with heavy losses estimated 60 billion riyals, the report affirmed

Since then, the Minister of Justice, Mohammad al-Dailami, affirmed that the Ministry would exert efforts to overcome the difficulties facing the judiciary for continuing courts’ work to achieve justice despite targeting the systematic by the aggression against the judicial installations.

The ministry of justice has established 19 appellate divisions and general and specialized primary courts for five years in several provinces, with more than 120 cadres to work as secretaries, notaries and administrative employees as a first stage, it siad.

The Ministry’s keenness to document the crimes and violations committed by the aggression countries against Yemen through organizing awareness and training courses, and holding sessions and informative meetings to prosecute the aggression countries and war criminals through the international courts, it confirmed.

The ministry stressed on the importance of establishing the specialized courts to look into the crimes of the aggression and its damages by addressing the criminal evidence to edit the official written and photo reports on destruction of the headquarters and buildings of the Judicial Authority, it added.


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