Human Rights Organization Condemns Raping Displaced Women in Saudi-UAE Occupied Aden

Human Rights Organization, Entesaf, for Women and Child Rights condemned the immoral crime committed by the mercenaries of US-Saudi aggression against the displaced in Dar Saad in Aden governorate. The mercenaries stormed a residential complex housing a number of displaced families, arresting men and taking turns raping their women.


In a statement, the organization denounced the shameful International and UNs’ silence towards these crimes, which repeat more frequent in Aden and the occupied territories. The organization also denounced mercenaries for violating international and humanitarian laws, covenants, laws of war and other divine customs and laws, and to throw them at the wall.


The organization held the aggression coalition led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates responsible for all crimes and violations against women and children 5 years ago. It called on the international community, international organizations, human rights and humanitarian bodies to assume their legal and humanitarian responsibilities towards the abhorrent violations and massacres that occur against the safe civilians of the Yemeni people.


Entesaf called on all of the world and the honorable to take effective and positive action to stop the aggression and protect civilians against women and children.


The organization renewed the call for the United Nations and the International Security Council to fulfill their duty and assume their responsibilities towards these crimes and work to stop them, lifting the siege and form an independent international committee to investigate all crimes committed against women and children of Yemen, holding all those found to be involved in these crimes accountable.


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