Riyadh Refuses All Mediations Regarding Hamas Detainees in Saudi Arabia

The Lebanese daily Arabic language newspaper Al-Akhbar confirmed, Friday, that the Saudi authorities are still pursuing their intransigent approach to any solution to the issue of Hamas detainees inside its prisons.

Saudi Arabia has arrested dozens of Palestinians and Jordanians who have been living in the country for long periods and charged them with dealing with a “terrorist entity,” a reference to Hamas.

The newspaper stated that Saudi Arabia rejected the initiative of the Leader of the Revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, to release the prisoners of Hamas, in exchange for the release of a pilot and four of the Saudi captured officers and soldiers, who was captured during the aggression on Yemen, for two reasons; the first in principle, as it rejects any unity of course or destiny between the two movements, secondly, to continue its intransigent approach to any solution to the issue.

The newspaper quoted sources in Hamas as saying, “Riyadh still refuses to respond to all mediations that have intervened to end the file of the detainees of the movement, from Jordan to new Moroccan mediation, saying that this is a special file and concerns Saudi internal security.”

The sources say that the detainees’ health status is very poor, as they are not provided with health care, the least of which is the requirements to prevent coronavirus, which represents a real threat to their lives, especially with the spread of the virus in the Kingdom and the presence of patients and the elderly among the detainees.

The sources emphasized that the Saudi security services focus on investigations to obtain information about Saudi personalities who have donated to the Palestinian resistance. In addition, they see it as a deterrent to the Saudis or Arab workers in Saudi Arabia in order not to think about supporting the resistance in the future and to prove to the US administration that it is working to dry up the sources of support.

The Saudi authorities continue to pressure the 68 detainees, in poor conditions of detention, to obtain new information on Saudi funding sources and donors.

Last week, the head of the Hamas political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, asked Moroccan Prime Minister Saad-Eddine El Othmani, during a phone call, to mediate with Saudi Arabia to release the detained members of the movement without charges.

On March 26, the Leader of the Revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi announced his complete readiness to release one of the captive pilots along with four Saudi aggressor officers and soldiers in exchange for the release of the kidnapped Hamas men.

In his speech marking the fifth anniversary of steadfastness, Al-Sayyed stressed the stability of the Yemeni people’s principled position in standing with the Palestinian people and condemned all forms of conspiracy against it.

Source: Websites.

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