The organizing committee determines the arenas for rallies rejecting the siege in the capital, Sanaa, and the provinces

The Events Organizing Committee has identified the arenas for the marches of “The Siege of the American Aggression Coalition Kills the Yemeni People” in the capital, Sana’a, and the various provinces, which will start tomorrow, Friday.

The committee in the capital, Sanaa, identified Bab al-Yaman Square as a place for the march to , and in Hodeidah are al-Madianah and Mansouriya squares, while in Hajjah are six squares in the districts of Sharafin and two squares in al-Madina and Abs on Friday afternoon.

The committee in Dhamar has also identified al-Madina square, and in Saada, the city square and Shaara area have been identified for the districts of Razih, Ghamr and Shada. In al-Bayda, the squares of the cities of Radaa and Al-Bayda, and in Al-Dhale, the city of Damt have identified places for the march tomorrow morning.

In Al-Jawf governorate, the committee identified three squares in Al-Matun and Al-Marashi, and in Ibb governorate ,it identified four arenas ,“The governorate center in Al Muroor Street, the main street in Yarim city, and in the city of Al-Aden and al-Qaedah, the round line, in the morning.

The committee called on all citizens to mobilize and attend in respnse to the tragedy left by the siege of the aggression on the Yemeni people.


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