Security Council calls for truce around world for distribution of Corona vaccines

The United Nations Security Council on Friday called on all parties to armed conflicts around the world to immediately engage in a “firm, comprehensive and enduring humanitarian armistice” to allow the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines in accordance with the council resolution.

The Security Council, composed of 15 countries, unanimously adopted a draft resolution prepared by Britain last week, according to Reuters.
The decision was considered a major test of cooperation between China and the administration of US President Joe Biden within the United Nations.

And it took the Security Council more than three months last year to support the call of United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres for a global truce due to the Corona virus epidemic, as a result of the quarrels between China and the former US administration led by Donald Trump.

Barbara Woodward, the permanent representative of the United Kingdom to the international organization, said that the decision would contribute to getting 160 million vaccines in areas affected by conflict or those displaced by it.

In the resolution, the council expressed its intention to review specific situations raised by the Secretary-General of the International Organization, Antonio Guterres, in which the vaccination process with the Covid-19 vaccine faces obstacles.

Source: Agencies.

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