A protest stand, in Hajjah, denounce UN’s decision, prevent the performance of Hajj pilgrimage

The people of Hajjah city organized a protest stand to denounce the United Nations’ decision to include Ansar Allah among the violators of children’s rights.

The participants stressed that America, Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Britain, and the Zionist entity are the ones who kill children and rob their blood for seven years and use all prohibited weapons to kill them by land, sea, and air and violate their rights.

A statement issued by the stand condemned the falsification of the national currency by the aggression coalition and its mercenaries and the printing of sums to multiply the suffering of Yemenis.

It denounced the Saudi regime’s decision to prevent Muslims from performing the Hajj pilgrimage with false pretexts.

The statement affirmed the people of Hajjah’s rejection of the United Nations decision, falsify the facts and turn a blind eye to the real killer of the children and women of the Yemeni people, pointing out their continued steadfastness in the face of the aggression and the failure of its plans.

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