Human Rights Ministry calls on Security Council to return to path of international law

Ministry of Human Rights in Sanaa called on the Security Council to return to the path of international law, and break its shameful silence towards the violations and crimes committed by the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen.

Commenting on the statement of the Security Council on Yemen, the ministry affirmed in a news statement that the council has continued its old error of condemning the Yemeni people and its leadership who defend the people and the sovereignty of its lands, against aggression killed Yemen’s children, women, youth and elderly.

The statement stated that the position of the Security Council regarding the inclusion of leaders from the Yemeni army who defend the people and the land to the sanctions list, is a step to cover the coalition crimes in Yemen.

The ministry added that this Council’s statement revealed the fact that it legitimizes and encourage the countries of the aggression coalition to commit more crimes and massacres against the Yemeni people.

It held the Security Council and its bodies legally and morally responsible for the crimes committed by the aggression states in Yemen.

The ministry said that the Security Council was the one who gave the countries of the aggression the international cover to launch airstrikes on the Yemeni provinces to kill civilians and burn their property, in addition to what those countries are currently doing to train mercenary fighters at the hands of the American Marines in Hadramout and to bring a group of takfiris to fight in Marib.

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