Major marches in the capital, Sanaa,free Yemeni provinces under the slogan “With Palestine, we are ready for all options.”


Published on December 1, 2023
Ansarollah website

Today, massive public marches took place in the capital, Sanaa, on Airport Street and free Yemeni provinces under the slogan, “With Palestine, we are ready for all options.”

The crowds participating in the marches raised slogans expressing the position of the Yemeni people in support of the Palestinian resistance in taking all appropriate options to deter the Zionist enemy, which resumed its brutal and barbaric aggression against the Gaza Strip, committing more massacres against children and women.

The crowds renewed their support for the revolutionary leadership to take any decisions to support and advocate for the Palestinian people and their valiant resistance, with all available means to curb the criminality and arrogance of the Zionist entity until all the usurped rights of the Palestinian people are restored.

The participants in the “With Palestine, we are ready for all options” marches stressed the continuation of the boycott of American goods and products and companies that support the Zionist entity as an effective and available weapon that would inflict many losses on the Zionist enemy.

They pointed out the importance of continuing the escalation until the last Zionist soldier is defeated from the occupied Palestinian territories, calling on the Yemeni armed forces to continue directing painful strikes against the Zionist enemy entity until it stops its aggression and crimes against civilians in Gaza.

A statement issued by the marches affirmed the Yemeni people’s continued support and assistance to the brothers in occupied Palestine at all levels and levels, and the jihadi mobilization and mobilization until the Palestinian people achieve their full freedom, sovereignty, independence, and the demise of the occupying Zionist enemy.

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