Free Yemeni Directorates commemorat the anniversary of the cry with  speech events


Published on May 13, 2024
Ansarollah website

Today,Monday, free Yemeni Districts organized  speech events on the occasion of the anniversary of the cry against the arrogant, under the slogan “The cry is a historical position and a current necessity to confront American arrogance and Zionist crime.”

During the events, officials pointed out the role of the slogan “The Scream in the Face of the Arrogant” as a weapon and a stance in confronting tyranny and exposing the plans of enemies and thwarting them.

They stressed that the slogan “The Scream” has proven its effectiveness in liberation from domination and dependence on enemies and creating a state of discontent towards the real enemy, US and Israel.

They confirmed that the slogan “The Scream” broke America’s prestige in the hearts of society and broke the barrier of fear among many free people in the world, noting the greatness of the Qur’anic project presented by the leader martyr , sayyed Hussein Badr al-Din al-Houthi, through which he launched the slogan “The Scream” and the economic boycott of enemies from an early time.

They discussed the prominent stages of the Qur’anic journey, the challenges it faced, and the pride, victory, empowerment it has reached today, and making an important impact on the reality and path of the nation.


They referred to the circumstances and stages of raising the cry against the arrogant US , Israel and their henchmen from the normalizing regimes.

They stated that the slogan “The Scream” directly contributed to the failure of the American-Zionist project in Yemen.

The events, which were attended by officials, number of executive office directors, sheikhs, and social figures, included a number of diverse segments and the participation of students .

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