تصفح الوسم


Almasirah TV Cameraman Killed in Northern Yemen

On Sunday, Abdullah Askar Majali, a cameraman working for AlMasirah TV, was killed in Yemen’s northern province of al-Jawf. The television network said Majali lost his life while covering the advances of Yemeni army forces and allied…

Two Citizens Wounded by Aggression’s Snipers in Taiz

Two citizens were injured, one of them seriously, today Tuesday, by Saudi-mercenaries gunfire in Taiz governorate. A security source said that the two citizens were wounded by the aggression snipers in the Salw area, indicating that the…

Aggression’s warplanes target Afar Customs in Bayda

The US-Saudi aggression’s fighter jets targeted on Saturday night Afar Customs center in Bayda province by series of air strikes, burning several trucks, a security source said. The Customs Authority stated in a statement that it was…

Water Minister: Cholera Cases in Yemen Exceed 100,000

The number of cholera cases in Yemen have increased in the recent period to 107,000 cases, Minister of Water and Environment Nabil Abdullah al-Wazir said in a press statement on Tuesday. The Minister directed the bodies affiliated with the…