تصفح الوسم


U.S. Senate admits his country’s crimes on Yemen

a member of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, on Thursday spoke on the U.S. Senate floor about the importance of the Biden administration’s actions to end the war in Yemen and reset the U.S.-Gulf relationship. Murphy…

China imposes sanctions on U.S. lawmakers over Hong Kong

China imposed sanctions on 11 U.S. citizens including legislators on Monday in response to the U.S. imposition of sanctions on 11 Hong Kong and Chinese officials accused of curtailing political freedoms in the former British colony.…

U.S. Coronavirus Deaths Near 13,000

The U.S. suffered its deadliest day of the coronavirus pandemic yet, with nearly 2,000 deaths between Tuesday and Wednesday. The death toll now stands at 12,914, according to NBC News’ tally on Wednesday morning. It is worth noting…

The U.S. Needs to Know What Went Wrong: Washington Post

When America has recovered from the coronavirus crisis and people are back to work, Rep. Adam B. Schiff thinks Congress should consider a 9/11-style independent commission to examine why the nation was so unprepared for the pandemic.…

U.S. Stocks Dive More than 10% on Coronavirus Worries

U.S. stocks plunged Monday morning, triggering a 15-minute trading halt at the start of trading and then diving further, as investors fled risk assets amid the mounting economic toll of the coronavirus outbreak. Treasuries surged despite…