“Tweet Campaign” of Violations of Aggression Coinciding with International Human Rights Day


Ministries of Human Rights and the Information are organizing tomorrow evening for a Twitter campaign on the social media “Twitter” about violations and crimes of the aggression in Yemen, coinciding with the celebration of the International Human Rights Day.

The Minister of Information, Dhaifallah Al-Shami, called for wide participation in the tweets campaign to uncover violations and crimes of the aggression against the Yemenis over five years of aggression and siege.

He pointed out that the world celebrates International Human Rights Day, while the Yemeni people are exposed to violations and war crimes by the aggression in light of the silence of the international community and its human rights organizations.

As well as the Ministry of Human Rights will hold a celebration event on the occasion of the International Human Rights Day, which falls on the 12th of December.

In a statement, Minister of Human Rights Alia Faisal Abdul-Latif said on Monday that Yemen will commemorate the International Human Rights Day at a very critical stage.

The Minister pointed out that the human being in Yemen has been subjected to various violations and crimes as a result of the aggression and the blockade for nearly five years.

Minister Alia added that the Ministry of Human Rights is working hard to deliver human suffering in Yemen due to the coalition aggression.


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