Like many others, Khalil Hashid, A Child with Renal Failure, US-Saudi Siege Prohibits his Travel for Treatment

In the capital, Sana’a, where hundreds of painful stories disappears with the hustle and bustle of life. The heroes are patients whose lives have brought them to live with pain and soreness. Hospitals of the capital lack the minimum life-saving, which contains only a few antibiotics and some first aid because of the US-Saudi aggression and its blockade, which harms everything in life. During five years of killing innocents, using prohibited weapons, the US-Saudi aggression has caused the largest humanitarian catastrophe on the face of the earth, according to humanitarian organizations, including the United Nations itself.


Yemenis are trying to stand up despite pain, but the continuation of the siege and aggression imposed on the country increases the deterioration of life and living conditions. It has worsens the lives of the sick and injured. Here in the capital, Sana’a, more than fifty patients suffering from chronic diseases appealed to the world months ago for their medical assistance abroad, and the World Health Organization promised them to travel after signing an agreement to start a Medical Air Bridge, for the most difficult and irreversible humanitarian cases in Yemen.


But that was not permitted by the alliance of criminals in the US-Saudi aggression that abandoned all values and morals. They, the patients, went back to their homes, then they were called again and went back to their homes in their villages. Then that organization invited them to travel so they came carrying pain and hope to go out and travel out of the country for treatment, but the surprise for them by not traveling because the countries of the aggression alliance led by Saudi Arabia and the UAE refused.


Here we met a number of those patients whose conditions worsen day after day and those who die of the disease. We met the child Khalil Hashid Sailan from the children of Amran governorate, a twelve-year-old child suffering from renal failure disease in his only kidney in his body, as his father confirms through tests conducted in 2014 before the aggression. The child Khalil Hashid talked to us and his tears are neglected by pain, and his suffering is more severe, his psychological and physical condition worsens. He and his family lose hope in survival after a health organization promised to take him out for treatment and the aggression coalition countries refused to open Sana’a Airport to take him out and tens of thousands of patients who die daily due to the imposed siege on Yemen. He said, “we came to Sana’a in order to travel abroad after what the organization promised us. When we came to Sana’a, the organization said that the aggression refused to let us travel and open Sana’a Airport, and then they told us to stay in Sana’a to find a solution for us.”


We asked him about his suffering with the disease? He answered: I am sick and get tired. I want to walk, go here and there, but I get tired, I wish I could go swimming, adding, I swam in the pool and then I got sick, my heart ache, my stomach and my head, then my father paid three hundred thousand riyals in order to treat me, and I returned sick.


Khalil Hashid tries to smile and laugh, wishes to enjoy the childhood life he lost due to his illness, dreams of returning to school to continue studying and playing with his peers after his pain and aches and more than eight surgeries were performed for him in a number of hospitals. He lost his mother from childhood he lives with his father and grandmother, and it is his grandmother who prepared to give this child her kidney after they were matched to the same specifications required for his little body.


The child Khalil continues to speak to us with all spontaneity, saying: yesterday the organization came and I told them that if you want you take us out for treatment or you can kill us, the cemetery is better than this life with pain. Khalil concluded with the painful child plea: Oh, get us out of here, we want to go for treatment, reopen Sana’a Airport, didn’t you have humanity!


We tried to talk to his father, Hashed Saylan. He tried to curb his tears and hide his apparent sorrows on the face of everything he wished to see his son like the rest of the world. To treat his son, he says: heartburn when you see your son die in front of you and you can do nothing for him. We went and their calls alarming for what is worse for the child Khalil if the countries of the aggression alliance did not appeal to the call of humanity and the rights of a people whose children die due to the siege and aggression.


The child Khalil Hashid is one of dozens of patients from various governorates of the republic, currently residing in the capital, Sana’a, after they were promised to travel abroad to receive treatment, but they clashed with promises of disappointment from an alliance that gave up all moral and human values as well as Islamic and Arab, and we have with each other a meeting, God willing, and a patient story races With death every moment that passes from his life while remaining untreated.


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