Dozens of Palestinian citizens injured by Israeli occupation forces


Dozens of Palestinian citizens were injured on Friday evening Israeli occupation forces fire during their participation in the return marches and break the siege along the eastern border of the Gaza Strip.

The Ministry of Health in Gaza said in a statement that medical staff dealt with 30 different injuries, including 8 live bullets during the 85th Friday of the return marches and breaking the siege in the eastern Gaza Strip.

Earlier on Friday, Palestinians flocked to five points near the eastern border of the Gaza Strip to take part in the 85th Friday of the return marches and the siege under the title “Hebron is hard to Judaization.”

Buses carrying participants arrived at the return camps in Rafah, Khan Younis, Al-Bureij, Gaza and the north in response to a call from the High Commission for Return marches and the breaking of the siege, which called for the widest possible participation in the marches.

Source: Agencies.

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