2426 operations by the air force ,110 operations by the missile force and 69 aircrafts downed during 2019


The Armed Forces spokesman, Brigadier General Yahya Sarie, revealed in his press conference , Sunday, the extent of the accomplishments of the Air Force, missile force, and air defenses during the year 2019.

“Our forces successfully responded to more than 1,226 military operations of the aggression coalition and its mercenaries,” Brig. Sarie said.

He noted that the number of military operations carried out by the army forces and popular committees in 2019 reached 1686 operations along the theater of combat operations, the most notably the operation of liberating areas in Dhalea province, “Nasr Min Allah” operation in its first and second stages, and a large military denomination that has not been announced.

The spokesman indicated that the year 2019 witnessed the announcement of various military industries, including ballistic missile systems that entered service for the first time and achieved great successes.

The armed forces succeeded in developing the drone weapon during the year 2019, which strengthened its presence on the battlefield level by implementing dozens of qualitative offensive operations that targeted the enemy military installations inside and outside Yemen.

Brig. Sarie explained that the attack ability of the drone weapon had doubled by 400% more than it was in the previous year.

He pointed out that the drones operations during 2019 reached 2426 operations, including 2,087 reconnaissance operations.

The spokesman said that that 2019 was the year of the winged missiles that became an important part of the Yemeni missile arsenal and one of the most important weapons of strategic deterrence for the armed forces.

The total missile force operations during 2019 reached 110 operations, he added. He indicated that the map of the missile force’s targets in the same year included the military centers, concentrations, and installations of enemy inside and outside the country.

The year 2019 witnessed the completion of an important foundational stage in terms of building the air defense forces and activating the defense systems.

In this regard, the army’s spokesman indicated that the air defense operations, during 2019, led to the downing of 69 aircraft belonging to the aggression forces, including seven combat aircraft and nine low reconnaissance planes and 53 spy planes.


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