The Minister of Health discusses with the European Union ambassadors the health situation in Yemen


Minister of Public Health and Population Dr. Taha l-Mutwakkil on Wednesday met in Hodeidah province with the European Union (EU)’s ambassador to Yemen Hans Grundberg, French ambassador Christian Testo, and Dutch ambassador Irma Van Doorn.

The meeting discussed the health and humanitarian situation in Yemen and means of coordination to support the efforts of international organizations working in this field.

During the meeting, Dr. al-Mutwakkil reviewed the difficulties facing the health sector in Yemen, especially with regard to medicines, medical and therapeutic supplies and solutions for chronic diseases.

The Health Minister called on the European Union to have a role in opening Sanaa International Airport, praising the Union’s role in denouncing the Saudi position against Yemen.

He pointed to the increasing incidence of dengue fever, malaria and other epidemics, especially in Hodeidah province, where the number of cases daily increases to more than four thousand cases.

Dr. al-Mutwakkil affirmed that the main cause of the spread of epidemics and diseases is the direct targeting of the infrastructure of the health sector by Saudi-led aggression coalition, including the hospital supported by Spanish Doctors Without Borders (MSF) in the province.

He touched on the indicators related to death rates among children and women due to acute malnutrition and difficult obstetrics, referring to the negative role of international organizations in supporting the health sector in Yemen.

The ambassadors affirmed the continued support for the efforts of international organizations and humanitarian workers in order to facilitate the arrival of aid to alleviate the suffering of the Yemenis.

They pointed out that the targeting of Spanish MSF-supported hospital was condemned, and that a committee was formed to investigate the attack.


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