Russia: Trump Mideast ’Peace Plan’ on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Violates UN Resolutions


Russia has expressed serious doubts over the viability of the US-devised Mideast plan, known as the so-called deal of the century, on Israeli-Palestinian conflict, saying it contravenes several UN Security Council’s resolutions on the issue.


Russian President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, “It’s plain enough that some of this plan’s provisions do not fully correspond to the relevant resolutions by the UN Security Council.”


Peskov questioned the plan’s feasibility as it drew strong negative reaction from the Arab world, saying, “We see the reaction from the Palestinians, we see the reaction of a wide range of Arab states, which have sided with the Palestinians in rejecting the plan. This, obviously, makes one think about its feasibility.”


His comments, made in an interview with Rossiya-1 channel on Sunday, appear to be the Kremlin’s first official response to the contentious US proposal.


US President Donald Trump unveiled his self-proclaimed “deal of the century” during an event at the White House alongside Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu in Washington on Tuesday.


All Palestinian groups have unanimously rejected the American president’s highly-provocative initiative that largely meets Israel’s demands in the decades-old conflict while creating a Palestinian state with limited control over its own security and borders.


It enshrines Jerusalem al-Quds as “Israel’s undivided capital” and allows the regime to annex settlements in the occupied West Bank and the Jordan Valley. The plan also denies the right of return of Palestinian refugees into their homeland, among other controversial terms.


On Saturday, the Palestinian Authority (PA), led by Mahmoud Abbas, cut all ties with Washington and Tel Aviv, including those relating to security, after strongly rejecting the so-called peace plan put forward by the US president.


Abbas announced the decision while in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, to address an emergency meeting of the Arab League, which also rejected the proposal, citing its unfairness to the Palestinian cause.


The controversial pro-Tel Aviv scheme also triggered waves of protest rallies across the Arab and Muslin world.


Palestinians had already stopped recognizing any intermediary role by Washington in late 2017, when Trump recognized the holy city of Jerusalem al-Quds in the Tel Aviv-occupied West Bank as the Israeli “capital.”


Washington’s move, which triggered countless of protest rallies in the West Bank and the besieged Gaza Strip, came in the face of historic Palestinian demands that the city’s eastern part serve as the capital of their future state.

Source: Press TV

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