Mufti of Yemen: Muslims should not fear of “America and Israel”

Mufti of Yemen, scholar Shams al-Din Sharaf al-Din, called on Saturday, during his participation in the conference of the World Federation of Resistance Scholars in Iraq, to ​​unite the Iraqi ranks and cleanse Iraq of the military bases from the American occupier.

Sharaf al-Din said during his participation in a televised speech that the wise people must remedy the American sedition in the region and stand in the face of aggression.

“With patience, steadfastness and wise leadership in Yemen, victory has been achieved, and Iraq is able to expel all American bases when they unite their ranks,” he added.

Mufti of Yemen affirmed that the Americans left Yemen disappointed when they heard the Yemeni fighters near their embassy in Sana,a, pointing out that the Iraqi people and the Islamic people should not fear the US and Israel.

The conference of the World Union of Resistance Scholars opened Saturday in Baghdad, rejecting the so-called deal of the century, entitled “Unity and Sovereignty of Iraq is a Victory for Palestine and the Nation.”


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