US Team in Sudan Allegedly to Probe PM Assassination Attempt

The United States on Wednesday sent investigators allegedly to help investigate the assassination attempt targeted the Sudanese prime minister earlier this week.


According to Rueters, Information Minister Faisal Salih  said that US investigators arrived in the Sudanese capital Khartoum on Wednesday to help local authorities investigating the assassination attempt.


Authorities have launched an investigation into Monday’s assassination attempt, when a blast hit Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok’s convoy as he drove to work.


“A team of American experts arrived this morning, they will join the investigation team. We needed them because they have much more modern experiences and techniques than we have,” Salih told a news briefing.


Sudan has arrested a number of suspects including foreigners over the attempted killing, said Salih, without giving details.


Initial investigations showed that a homemade explosive device planted on a roadside was used in the attack, the interior ministry said on Tuesday.

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