9 Russian Military Planes Bring Nearly 100 Experts To Italy To Fight COVID-19- Ministry

Nine Russian Aerospace Forces’ aircraft have delivered equipment and around 100 military experts to Italy to help it fight the coronavirus, the Russian Defence Ministry said on Monday.

“Nine Il-76 military transport aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces with around 100 Russian military specialists, equipment, and products have been sent to the Italian Republic from Chkalovsky Airport (in the Moscow Region) to provide assistance in the fight against the coronavirus infection”, the Russian Defence Ministry said in a statement.
Mobile units with equipment for disinfection and COVID-19 diagnostics have been delivered, in a short time frame, to the Italian Air Force’s Pratica di Mare air base, located 18.6 miles to the southwest of Rome, the ministry went on to say.

Italy is suffering from COVID-19 more than any other European country, with almost 60,000 cases and over 5,400 deaths registered. Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday confirmed to Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte Russia’s readiness to provide urgent assistance. The Defence Ministry said later in the day that medical virologists, doctors, medical equipment, and vehicles for aerosol disinfection would also be sent to Italy.

Source: RT

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