Meeting to discuss mechanism for determining societal development needs in Sana’a

A meeting was held in the Geological Survey and Mineral Resources Authority , attended by the governor of Sana’a, Abdelbaset Al-Hadi, and Chairman of the Commission Ibrahim Al-Warith, to discuss a mechanism to determine the community development needs in the governorate in light of the damages caused by the torrential rains.

At the meeting, it was agreed to provide five equipment and mechanisms for transporting waste from the proceeds of community development for mineral wealth in Sana’a governorate, to support the the efforts of the local authority to repair the damages of the rain that witnessed last week.

It was aggreed to establish a technical team from the authority’s engineers to prepare and plan a map for the affected sites for the construction of dams, barriers and others, to ensure that the damage is not repeated, where that map is considered as a strategic work that the authority is doing in addition to implementing some projects and working out solutions and treatments for wells.

At the meeting, the governor of Sanaa praised the understanding and cooperation of the leadership and cadres of the Geological Survey and Mineral Resources and their contribution in providing equipment and machines for repairing the damage suffered by some areas of the governorate directorates, especially in Sanhan, Khulan and Bani Matar.

He stressed the importance of concerted efforts to restore what was destroyed by the rain in agricultural land, pointing out to the need for the Land, survey and Urban Planning Authority to play its role in misleading arable land to prevent construction on it.

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