Hamed reveals to “ansarollah website” the latest about the assassination of al-Sammad and his experience with him

Regarding the latest developments related to the assassination of the martyr President Saleh al-Sammad, the director of the Presidential Office, Mr. Ahmed Hamed, stressed that the martyrdom of the martyred president / Saleh Ali al-Sammad was a great loss for our Yemeni people, noting that it came at a sensitive and critical stage in which the people were in urgent need of this president Who was on the way to building a new Yemen, providing freedom and independence.

Ahmed Hamed, in an interview with “ansarollah website” (publishes the coming hours), pointed to a new milestone and a new turn in steadfastness, challenge and the arousal of anxiety, whose features began to become clearer after the martyrdom of President Al-Sammad as he pushed everyone towards sacrifice and oppression.

He also revealed the latest developments related to the assassination of the martyr Saleh al-Sammad, as well as the attitudes and changes that took place after the assassination.

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