Zarif to Trump: Stop Interfering in Other Nations’ Affairs; Mine Especially

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has once again warned US President Donald Trump against interfering in the internal affairs of other countries in the age of the new coronavirus.
Zarif made the remarks in a Sunday posting on Twitter in an apparent reference to Trump’s Saturday allegation that the US would be willing to send ventilators to Iran to help treat coronavirus patients.
“I have offered to help them (Iran) if they want. If they need ventilators, which they do, I would send them ventilators. We have thousands of excess ventilators. We have a stockpile of ventilators,” the US president said during the daily coronavirus status briefing.

In response to Trump’s remarks, Zarif said, “Iran will be EXPORTING ventilators in a few months, realdonaldtrump,” exhorting him to avoid interfering in other countries’ affairs.

Source: Press TV

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