Mohammad Ali Al-Houthi offers his condolences for the death of the former Secretary General of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine

Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, the leading member in the Supreme Political Council, has expressed condolences over death of former Secretary General of the Islamic Jihad in Palestine, Dr. Ramadan Abdullah Shallah

Mohammed al-Houthi , In a message on Sunday, pointed that Mr. Abdullah Shalah’s works in the resistance against Zionists, saying, that he did well in working within the Islamic Jihad movement and the resistance in the belief of the sacred goal of liberating the entire Palestinian territories from the Israeli occupation.

He praised praising his contributions to the resistance actions against the Zionist entity.

Al-Houthis offered condolences to the family of the deceased, Palestinian people, especially to the Islamic Jihad Movement, and to all his comrades in the resistance groups.


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