The Oil Ministry reveals facts and figures by the aggression countries ’detention of oil derivatives ships

Minister of Oil and Minerals Ahmed Daress said that the fines of delaying oil ships being held by the American Saudi-led aggression coalition exceeded 66,185,000 dollars.

The minister , in a press conference organized Thursday by the Yemeni Petroleum Company, held the aggression coalition countries, the United Nations and the relevant international bodies responsible for the effects of holding oil derivative ships.

This has caused a crisis in oil derivatives, medicine, and food, in addition to its implications for the economic, health, agricultural, and other conditions that increase the suffering of citizens, especially in light of the exceptional situation that the country is going through as a result of the Corona pandemic outbreak, Daress explained.

16 ships carrying oil derivatives and three gas-loaded ships are still being held in Djibouti by the aggression coalition, despite obtaining UN permits to enter into the port of Hodeidah, he pointed out.

The Oil Minister also in the conference warned of the dangers of the leakage of crude oil from Safer floating tank and its effects on the environment in the Red Sea.


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