Report: The Fourth Operation of Balance of Deterrence… was not within the expectations of aggression


(As arriving in the sixth year, with reliance on Allah there will be surprises that coalition of aggression won’t be aware of, surprises with advanced military capabilities and great victories..)

Those are some of the words of Sayyed Abdul Al-Malik Badr Al-Deen Al-Hothi in his speech on the occasion of The National Day of Resilience 2020; in which he seemed fully confident knowing what the brute aggression will eventually result in.

And whenever the revolution leader tried to explain to them the failure that continuation of the aggression and the blockade have disastrous results on them, they cover their ears listening just to their arrogance. Then that is the time for the fourth Process of Deterrence that this US-Saudi-UAE led coalition aggression did not take into account.


The Three Operations of “Balance of Deterrence”:

On August 17, 2019, the Air Force had launched ten drones onto oil refinery and field of the Al-Shaybah located in southeastern Saudi Arabia, which is only about 10 km from the southern borders of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and can hold more than one billion barrels.

At the time, the spokesman of the armed forces, Brigadier General Yahya Sarea, stated that the Saudi regime and the aggression forces have no choice but to stop the war and lift the siege on the Yemeni people; otherwise, the armed force will widen its operations, vowing that they will be more painful. And this what happened:

On the 14th of September 2019, the second deterrence balance operation was targeting Baqeeq and Khurais refineries of Aramco with ten drones with different and new engines, normal and jet, which resulted in the disruption of Saudi oil exports and raised its prices to nearly 18%.

In the meantime, the spokesman of the armed forces warned the companies and foreigners who are in the refineries and factories that were hit by strikes, not to be around because those places are still goals which well be targeted at any moment, stressing to the Saudi regime that Yemeni’s hands can reach anywhere they want and at the time they choose, therefore, it must review its accounts and stop the aggression and siege on Yemen. But this did not happen.!

On February 21, 2020. As a result of the brutal aggression and it’s continuing to committing crimes against the Yemeni people, Aramco in Yanbu faced a heavy surprise, when the joint attack by the drone and the missile several winged and ballistic missiles, 12 of “Sammad 3” drones, 2 “Al-Quds” winged missiles, and one “Thou Al-Fiqar” long-range ballistic missile.

At the time, the head of the national delegation, Mohammed Abdu-Salam, said that the operation targeting the depth of the aggression kingdom by hitting Aramco in Yanbu comes within the framework of the natural and legitimate response to the continuation of the aggression with siege and crimes, the latest of which was the crime in Al-Masloob in Al-Jawf Governorate, stressing that Yemeni people will not give up the right of response and will not allow the enemy to shed blood without paying the price.

Also, Brigadier General Sarea considered the operation of “3rd Process of Deterrence” as a normal response to the ongoing Saudi war on Yemen, and its crimes the latest of which was the crime in Al-Masloob in Al-Jawf Governorate, vowing more painful strikes in case the aggression and blockade continue. And this what happened!

The Fourth Operation of “Balance of Deterrence”:

After many calls by the revolution’s leadership and the Supreme Political Council addressed to the coalition to stop its brutal aggression and unjust siege on the Yemeni people, the USA-backed regimes of Saudi and Emirati continued to enjoy the bloodshed of the Yemeni people.

The last mass crime was the seizure of oil ships in a time Yemenis facing the Corona pandemic, which causes more suffering and tragedy.

On the 16th of this month, the head of the national delegation, Mohamed Abdel Salam, tweeted:
(with the insistence of the aggression coalition to launching raids, committing crimes and tightening the siege, our Yemeni people are determined to carry on to defend their dignity and the sovereignty of their country, and to support the army and the people’s committees until they deter the aggressors and push them to stop their aggression and siege.) So, it was the fourth balance of deterrence!.

The drones and armed forces carried out an offensive operation, targeting military headquarters and centers in the capital of the Saudi like Ministry of Defense and Intelligence, Salman Air Force Base, and military sites in Jizan and Najran regions; with al-Quds and Dhi-al-Fiqar missiles, and three Sammad drones.

The “Yemeni armed forces” warned the enemy from the consequences of his persistence in aggression, criminality unjust siege, and affirms its legitimate and inalienable right that necessitated the religious, moral, humanitarian and patriotic duty to defend Yemen and its patient, steadfast, and struggling people, stressing that it, with Allah’s assistance, will carry out stronger military operations until the siege is lifted, the aggression is stopped, and freedom and independence are achieved.

Will the butchers are satisfied with the crimes they committed against Yemeni people for more than five years, or will the bank of drones and missile targets expand to areas that the enemy won’t imagine?! The upcoming days will reveal this to us!.

Resource: ansarollah website.

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