64 airstrikes, 82 violation of aggression forces during the past 24 hours

Quoted from the official Saba News Agency, the US-Saudi aggression warplanes launched more than 64 raids on Yemen’s provinces in the past 24 hours.

A military source said that the aggression forces committed 82 violations, including the flight of five warplanes and a spy plane over the sky of Hays, al-Mandhar, Kilo 16, and 50 St. areas in Hodeidah province in the past 24 hours.

The aggression forces also committed nine violations with artillery shelling, including 36 shells and 75 violations of various live bullets, the source added.

The source said that the aggression forces have repeatedly targeted al-Dhebyani neighborhood, the Engineering Faculty, and 50th St. with many artillery shells and machine guns in Hodeidah city.

The source added that the aggression launched 25 raids on the Capital Sanaa. The airstrikes were distributed at Sanaa airport, al-Haffa, Noqom, al-Nahedain, al-Hataresh, Dhahban, and the Engineering College areas.

The US-Saudi aggression warplanes targeted a warehouse of household appliances on the 30th st. in Sa’awan area in the Capital, the official said.

The aggression warplanes launched two raids on Sanhan district, three raids on Arhab district, and four raids on Aiban in Bani Matar district in Sanaa province, the official said.

The source added that the aggression warplanes dropped four flash bombs on al-Haimah al-Kharijiya district in the same province.

The source said that the aggression warplanes launched two raids on a livestock yard in al-Maqash area in Saada city of Saada province and targeted four other raids in the same area.

The aggression warplanes launched four raids on the Republic camp, and targeted al-Dhaher district with a series of raids, and launched a raid on Madhab area in al-Safra district of Saada, the official added.

The source said that the aggression warplanes launched four raids on Haradh and Midi districts of Hajjah province and four raids on Khab-Wa-Shaaf district of Jawf province.

The source added the aggression warplanes targeted al-Abediyeh and Mahila district of Marib province with four raids and two raids on Salb area in the district of Majzar in the same province.

The source concluded that the US-Saudi aggression warplanes waged five raids on Qania area in Bayda province.

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