Taiz governor discusses the active role of Haifan’s sheiks in supporting battlefronts

The Governor of Taiz Governorate, Mr. Salim Muhammed Al-Mughales, met Tuesday with several sheiks, dignitaries of the Haifan district.

During the meeting, they discussed the developments of the situation on the fronts and the achievements made at the governorate level in the field of development and providing the fronts with money and men.

The meeting also touched on the positive and effective roles played by Sheikhs, notables, and of Haifan in the public mobilizing, and serving the community in many aspects.

The Governor of Taiz praised the positions of Sheikhs, notables, and dignitaries of Haifan district and their roles in various stages, pointing to the important role of Haifan tribes in preserving the social cohesion, peace, and security and facing the organized targeting by the Saudi-American aggression against Yemen and its free, steadfast and proud tribes.

Al-Mughales stressed the keenness of the local authority leaders to meet with the sheiks and notables of Taiz and exchange opinion and advice with them because the US-Saudi aggression and its paid-mercenaries have been targeting the Yemeni tribe up today to weaken it and its role in the Yemeni society.

While Sheiks and dignitaries of Haifan expressed their appreciation for the positions of the governor of Taiz and his directions that aimed to get advance to the governorate and its sons after the aggressor deliberately targeted it with all of his diabolical aggressive plans.

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