Interior Minister: information confirms that there are many elements of Daesh and al-Qaeda arrived to fight for the aggression

Yemen’s Interior Minister Major General Abdul Karim al-Houthi on Sunday confirmed that the ministry and security agencies achieved remarkable successes in establishing security, tranquility, and stability.

In an interview with the “September 26 Newspaper, he said the ministry and security agencies were able to thwart many of the aggressive and criminal operations before they occurred and seized many cells belonging to the Saudi-led aggression.

Minister Abdul Karim al-Houthi also said: “The information confirms that there are many elements of Daesh and al-Qaeda who have been recruited from abroad, especially from Syria and sent to the occupied areas.”

The dialogue dealt with several issues, including the process of integrating the popular committees into the security agencies and the ministry’s plan to implement its national vision, the security situation in general, the security situation in the occupied governorates, and the influx of refugees from the Horn of Africa to Yemen.

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