Prisoners Committee reveals the death of a prisoner of the army and committees in the second crime committed by mercenaries within a month


The National Committee for Prisoners’ Affairs on Thursday condemned torturing the prisoner Abdullah Ahsan Naji al-Juraidi, from Sanaa province, until he died as a martyr by the U.S.Saudi-led coalition’s mercenaries in Marib province.

This crime is the second in less than a month, amid suspicious silence of the United Nations and its organizations operating in Yemen, despite being informed of every crime against the prisoners, the committee noted in a statement.

“The prisoner, Abdullah Al-Juraidi, was in good health and was among the prisoners who it was agreed to release them in the consultations of Amman 3,” the committee said.

After examining the body by the specialists, it was confirmed that the cause of death was the brutal torture, the committee explained.

A number of prisoners’ families informed the committee that they had received threatening messages from the mercenary leaders in Marib that they would hand over their captive sons to lifeless bodies as same as they handed over the body of the prisoner al-Juraidi, the statement pointed out.

The committee called on the UN envoy and his team to take responsibility for protecting prisoners according to international laws and agreements and as stipulated in the Sweden agreement, and on local and international organizations to condemn the crime and work that it not be repeated.


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