General People’s Congress celebrates its 38th anniversary in Sanaa

Quoted from YPA that the General People’s Congress celebrated on Monday in Sanaa its 38th anniversary, which falls on the 24th of August 1982.

In the celebration, the President of the General People’s Congress Sheikh Sadiq Amin Abu Ras referred to the importance of celebrating this anniversary of the founding of the conference, which was born from the womb of the Yemeni nation.

He said, “We celebrate this anniversary and the restoration, repair and opening of the headquarters of the General People’s Congress in the capital, Sanaa, which has changed the name of the building from the headquarters of the permanent committee to the building of the General People’s Congress.”

He added, “we have restored the conference building and its headquarters, which was attacked and vandalized in the events of 2011, by those who are not good, and we are here in Sanaa, the capital of the Republic of Yemen.”

He thanked the Leader of the Revolution, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, who directed the restoration of the conference buildings and the removal of the forces that were stationed in the buildings of the General People’s Congress, praising the role of all the conference members who were the best support for the leadership of the conference during the last period.

Sheikh Abu Ras touched on the conspiracy that the Popular Congress is exposed to that targets the will of its formations, rights and components.

He emphasized that the General People’s Congress does not belong to anyone, but rather belongs to its members.

Abu Ras called on neighboring countries to desist from harming Yemen and destroying its capabilities and gains, praising the conference cadres abroad who were interested in Yemen and its interest, not according to what the enemies wanted.

He talked about the conditions that the Yemeni people are going through during the six years of aggression, siege and arrogance by the aggression countries, and said, “The Yemeni people will remain keen to defend their lands in every front and region.”

President of the conference praised the victories achieved by the army and popular committees in defeating Al-Qaeda and ISIS organizations in Bayda, and various fronts.

He called on the Saudi regime to change its policy towards Yemen and develop its relations with the Yemeni people and not with some people, pointing out that a day will come when the Yemeni people will demand compensation for the destruction of their capabilities and infrastructure.

He stressed the importance of working according to the national vision to build the modern Yemeni state.

Sheikh Abu Ras pointed out that the Palestinian issue is the issue of the entire Arab and Islamic world and not the issue of a specific country, condemning the normalization of some regimes with the Zionist enemy.

He urged the Palestinian people to strengthen cohesion and alignment between all its components and factions, in a way that strengthens steadfastness in the face of the Zionist occupier.

President of General People’s Congress called on the heads of the conference branches in the provinces to honor conference leaders and personalities from the unknown soldiers in recognition of their role in serving the conference and the nation.

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