Amy Klobuchar: ‘We are not safe in Donald Trump’s America’

US Senator Amy Klobuchar, a former Democratic presidential hopeful, has censured the US leadership’s approach to dealing with various crises across the country, stressing that the Americans are “not safe” under President Donald Trump’s administration.

Klobuchar made the comment in an interview with the ABC News on Sunday, citing the recent US police violence against African Americans, mass protests against racial injustice and social discrimination, and the coronavirus pandemic.

“This isn’t just happening in one place. It’s happening all over the country. It is happening under Donald Trump’s watch,” the former 2020 presidential candidate said. “We are not safe in Donald Trump’s America.”

Klobuchar threw her weight behind the Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and dismissed warnings by the Republicans that Biden’s election would cause the US to be less safe.

“So, no, we are not more safe,” she said. “And I think Joe Biden has a very strong case to make about the changes he will make to make this country safer.”

Meanwhile, Biden’s deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield also blasted Trump’s leadership on Sunday and accused him of “inciting violence” with his response to unrest in American cities.

“Part of why we are in the state of chaos that we’re in this country is because Donald Trump has failed to lead on the coronavirus. He failed to take it seriously from the outset, and he’s failed to be a uniter. He’s failed to lead,” she said. “Trump has been trying to incite violence this entire summer.”

Trump on Friday formally accepted the Republican nomination for a second term and delivered a speech that was replete with vituperative broadsides directed at the rival Democratic leadership.

The former New York real estate developer spared no effort to paint a bleak picture for the Americans under a Biden administration and portrayed himself as a leader who can revive the economy, claiming that the victory of “weak” Biden would only worsen the crises besieging the country.

This is while Biden is leading in opinion polls ahead of the November 3 election.

Trump’s high disapproval rating has in part been attributed to the mismanagement and chaotic handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has so far taken a heavy toll on American lives and the economy, as well as a surge in state-sponsored police violence and racial discrimination against people of color in the US under his watch.

The US city of Portland has been the scene of daily protests against police brutality since the May 25 killing of unarmed African American George Floyd who died after a white officer knelt on his neck and pinned him to the ground for nine minutes in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Tensions in the city intensified in July after the Trump administration deployed federal agents to crack down on the protests.

The fatal shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin, last week has also rekindled the flames of anti-racism protests across the country.

Source: Websites

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