Trump Attack on US Military Is ’Wrong,’ Says Texas Republican Lawmaker

A top Republican in the lower chamber of US Congress has defended those President Donald Trump refers to as “top people in the Pentagon,” claiming that his attack is “wrong.”

“I’ve been a little dismayed at what’s happened the past few days,” said Mac Thornberry, a top Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, during an interview at the annual Defense News Conference on Wednesday. “I know the president says things for effect a lot, but to have a commander in chief question the motivations of military leaders and basically say they’re in it for themselves is wrong and it gives our adversaries an opening.”

The Texas GOP representative’s remarks marked the sharpest GOP reactions to Trump’s comments thus far.

“Even if you think it, you shouldn’t say it,” he added.

Trump said Monday that Pentagon chiefs hate him “because they want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy.”

The president is also coming under immense pressure for insulting Americans killed in war “suckers” and “losers.”

The allegations were made in an article in The Atlantic in relation to a 2018 trip to France, where he disparaged US service members killed in World War I.

After Fox News reporter Jennifer Griffin confirmed that Trump has disparaged veterans, Trump called on his favorite TV organization to fire her.

Thornberry also turned his back to Trump and defended Griffin after he was pressed to comment on the accusation.

Source: Websites


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