Protest rallies held in Hodeidah to denounce seizing oil derivative ships

Several protest rallies were held on Friday by sons of Hodeidah province to denounce seizing oil derivative ships by the Saudi-led coalition forces, according to Yemen Press Agency.

At the rallies, the protesters condemned the coalition’s continued detention of oil derivatives ships, preventing them from entering Hodeidah port and striking the lifelines in Yemen.

They held the international community and the United Nations full responsible for the humanitarian catastrophe that threatens the lives of millions of citizens due to the coalition siege imposed on Yemen.

The participants confirmed the continuation of steadfastness in the face of the “aggression forces” and backing the fronts with fighter men, money until victory be achieved.

They declared their complete rejection of the UAE normalization with the Zionist entity that targets the Palestine’s issue, considered the Emirati step as treason against the Arab nation and the Palestinian people.


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