Sayyed al-Houthi: The position of the so-called Arab League towards normalization was not surprising

The leader of the revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, in a speech aired on Al-Masirah T.V. channel, on Monday, on the anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam Zaid, peace be upon him, said that the position of the so-called Arab League towards normalization with the Israeli enemy was not surprising but rather expected, “we expect them to be one and frank front with Zionists”.

Sayyed al-Houthi pointed out that there are efforts to justify loyalty with the Zionists and to promote the state of association with the enemies of the nation. Normalization with the enemy is loyalty to the enemies of Islam overtly after it was present in secret. Whoever does not respect the principles and sanctities of the nation will not respect its peoples, but rather will hostile to them and conspire against them to help the Zionists and USA.”

He confirmed that every relationship with Israel is crime and betrayal, and we expect the Saudi, Emirati, and Al Khalifa to compete to more loyalty and act stupidly, adding that the Zionists see those who are loyal to them as a milk cow and stupid ones, and they will end up losing.

Sayyed al-Houthi called on the people of the nation to be in a high degree of awareness and not be influenced by the promotion of normalization and loyalty to the enemies of the nation. Those who promote normalization and subservience to the Zionists, their priorities are in the interest of the USA and Israel, and our peoples should be aware of the conspiracy.

Sayyed al-Houthi added: “Today they are conspiring against the Palestinian People, and their aggression against Yemen has been in this context since the first day. We have said since the beginning of the aggression that Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and those with them are merely tools to implement the plans of the USA and Israel to target the Yemeni People.”


Resource: ansarollah website.

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