Ministry of Human Rights reveals 12 war crimes committed by the aggression within 2000 days: Report

The Saudi-led aggression raids killed 16,771 civilians, including women and children, and injured 26,359 others as well as nearly 4,147,208 displaced persons.

A report issued by the Ministry of Human Rights stated that the aggression raids caused the death of 3,747 children and 2,355 women, from March 26, 2015, until August 2020.

The report revealed 12 war crimes committed by the aggression from March 26, 2015, until last August.

These crimes are classified as war crimes following international humanitarian law, the first of which is the crime of violating the national sovereignty of Yemen by launching air, sea, and land aggression and controlling ports, airports and ports.

The second war crime was their occupation of Yemeni territories in the southern governorates, islands, coasts, and parts of the governorates of Ma’rib and Al-Jawf.

The third war crime committed by the Aggression Coalition, according to the report, included the aggression’s intention to starve the Yemenis by imposing a comprehensive blockade and arbitrary restrictions to prevent the entry of oil, gas, food and pharmaceutical products, and humanitarian aid, transferring the jobs of the Central Bank from the capital, Sana’a, and targeting indispensable places.

The Ministry of Human Rights confirmed that due to the aggression and siege, 24 million and 300 thousand Yemenis need aids and 7.27 million need shelter.

It explained that over 60% of Yemenis are suffering starvation, noting that the poverty rate has risen to 85% and the unemployment rate to 65%, noting that 1.25 million government employees have been deprived of their salaries.

The fourth war crime, in light of the human rights report, included targeting and killing civilians by launching military attacks and raids on residential buildings covered by international protection, which led to the death and injury of 43,130 civilians, most of them women and children.

The “fifth war crime” is targeting population centers by launching raids on markets, funerals, weddings, villages, and camps for the displaced, which caused the displacement of more than (4, 147,208) displaced persons.

The sixth war crime of the aggression coalition against the Yemeni people in two thousand days included the forced displacement of citizens according to identity, as happened to the people of the northern governorates, as well as the forced displacement of hundreds of families from their homes and villages such as Beit Al-Sarari, Al-Junaid and Al-Rumaymeh in Taiz, and the forced displacement of thousands of civilians from their villages in the governorates of Saada, Hajjah and Hodeidah.

The report highlighted the seventh war crime of the Aggression Coalition by targeting and destroying civilian objects such as “hospitals, medical personnel, health centers, educational institutions, factories, communications, seaports, media, and sports institutions,” which caused 19.7 million people to be deprived of health services and about 7.4 million people lacking healthy nutrition, in addition to 12.6 needing for drinking water.

The Ministry’s report included statistics of civilian facilities that are destroyed by the aggression, including deprived (4,435,409) students from education, destroyed 348 factories, five-grain mills, 538 networks, and a power station, 763 fuel stations, 14 ports, 9 airports, 47 media institutions, 41 judicial facilities, 131 sports facilities, 3 thousand and 930 roads and a bridge, as well as burning 163,000 gas cylinders, four civilian aircraft, and the detention of ships carrying oil and food.

The report touched on the eighth war crime by destroying religious and cultural objects, including mosques and historical monuments, indicating that the aggression destroyed one thousand and 324 mosques and more than 417 archaeological sites and 364 tourist facilities.

The Ministry of Human Rights confirmed that it was monitored the use of banned weapons and cluster and thermobaric bombs by the aggression on a large scale. The ninth war crime committed by the coalition of aggression by throwing high-explosive clusters and vacuum bombs, which caused pollution of the environment, soil, and air, and burns the victims’ skin and bones.

The tenth war crime committed by the aggression coalition was the violation of the rights of civilians and the removal of international protection in the Yemeni territories, by concealed hundreds of human rights activists, kidnapped and arrested more than a thousand civilians and travelers through the occupied areas, as well as torture of detainees and raping dozens of women and children.

The report indicated that the 11th war crime committed by the aggression was the violation of the rights of eight thousand and 100 prisoners of the army and the popular committees who were subjected to psychological and physical torture, a number of them were mutilated and others were killed in the aggression prisons.

The report dealt with the 12th war crime, which is the worst humanitarian disaster caused by the coalition of aggression against the Yemeni people worldwide, which led to the death of 42 patients who were unable to travel for treatment as a result of the closure of Sana’a International Airport and the imposition of restrictions on the ports.

Resource: ansarollah website.


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