Within 2000 days of aggression.. 41 suicide attacks, 302 plans to target security thwarted

Spokesman for the Ministry of Interior, Brigadier General Abdulkhaleq Al-Ajri, revealed on Saturday the most prominent achievements of the Ministry over 2,000 days of Saudi-led aggression  war on Yemen.

Brig. Gen. Al-Ajri said that the Ministry had thwarted 41 suicide operations of takfirist elements of Al-Qaeda and ISIS organizations during that period, in addition to seizing 2,573 criminal elements of the aggression coalition, and thwarting 302 plans by the aggression coalition aimed at destabilizing security and stability.

According to the spokesman, 1,483 explosive devices planted by elements of the aggression coalition in the streets, markets, and in front of schools and public facilities were discovered and defused.

During the same period, the ministry carried out 668 operations of seizing weapons in possession of elements of the aggression coalition.

Among those achievements were the completion of 342 cases of currency counterfeiting and 64,203 criminal cases, as well as 6,015 successful operations of recovering stolen items and handing them over to their owners.

Brig. Gen. Al-Ajri indicated that the coalition is continuously striving to target the life and security of the Yemeni citizen and spread chaos and crime in all province of the Republic of Yemen. He affirmed the Saudi-led coalition’s support for terrorist groups and criminal gangs to achieve its satanic goal.


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