Criminal Court orders to amputate hands of convicts of interruption, theft in Sana’a

The Specialized First Instance Criminal Court in the capital Sanaa on Sunday convicted two men of banditry and theft and punished them by amputating their hands and feet.

The verdict, in the session that was headed by Judge Mohammed Mufleh, in the presence of the Prosecutor Khaled Omar Saeed, ruled to punish the convicts Hisham Mahyoub Ahmad al-Saidi and Zain al-Abidin Ali Ali al-Jabri by amputating their right hands and left feet.

The court obligated the two convicted men to give back the amount of 11,160,000 riyals to the victim, Nabil Mohammed Ali Al-Aroumi, and 20 million riyals in compensation to him, in addition to handing over an amount of five million riyals as litigation expenses and fees.

The court also decided to place the two convicts under police control for three years.

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