US’ Fauci Says He Has No Intention to Step down

Anthony Fauci, the director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has said that he has “no intention” of stepping down should Joe Biden be inaugurated as president.

Fauci told the CNN broadcaster late on Monday that he has served in his position under six different presidents since 1984 and that he was not looking to leave his post.

“I have no intention of leaving. This is an important job … and my goal is to serve the American public, no matter what the administration is,” Fauci remarked.

The top US infectious disease expert has clashed multiple times with President Donald Trump throughout the COVID-19 pandemic to date. On November 2, Trump told his supporters that he may fire Fauci, although the president said that any decision would wait until after the US presidential election, which Trump appears to have lost.

US media outlets have declared Biden the winner of the 2020 US presidential election. Speaking after this announcement, Biden said that he would tackle COVID-19 from a science-based approach, and a new pandemic task force was unveiled by his transition team late on Monday.

Source: Sputnik


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