13 Airstrikes on Marib, Nehm,and 74 violations on Hodeidah

About 13 strikes on Thursday hit different areas of Marib and Sanaa provinces, a security official said.

The official affirmed that the jets launched 11 strikes on Serwah and Madghal districts of Marib, while the fighter jets hit Nehm district of Sanaa two times.

The aggression coalition forces committed 74 violations of the US-sponsored ceasefire agreement on Hodeida province during the past 24 hours.

The aggression ’s spy drones waged three strikes on al-Faza, the flight of the war and spy planes over the airspace of the various districts, according to an official of the Operation Room to monitor the aggression’s violations.

The official pointed out that the aggression forces carried out 33 violations with artillery shelling and fired 138 bullets of various size.


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