Bahraini Opposition Parties, Hamas Condemn Assassination of Iranian Nuclear Scientist

Bahraini opposition political parties have condemned the assassination of prominent Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, emphasizing that the targeted killing will not stop Iran’s progress and will not push the Islamic Republic to forfeit its rights.

“This sinful attack constitutes a major crime, and a blatant violation of world states’ right of self-determination and the right to defend themselves against external threats,” Arabic-language Manama Post online newspaper cited a statement released by the Islamic Action Society, sometimes shortened to Amal, on Sunday.

“This cowardly terrorist act will neither stop the scientific and technical progress in Iran, nor will it force the Islamic Republic into abandoning its legitimate rights. Rather, it will contribute to the instability of the region and will embolden countries that always seek to escalate international conflicts.”

Amal then called on the international community and responsible states to condemn such a dangerous escalation and provocative actions, and not be silent on them.

It later extended its condolences and sympathy to Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei and the Iranian nation over the assassination.

Iran to give ‘calculated’, ‘firm’ response to scientist’s assassination: Senior official

‘There is no doubt that the Islamic Republic of Iran will give a calculated and categorical response.’

Al-Wafa’a Islamic Party – Bahrain also said in a statement that the Iranian physicist was “assassinated by a terrorist group sponsored by the US, Zionist and Saudi intelligence services, after having spent years on the path of scientific struggle to elevate the Islamic Republic of Iran and the axis of resistance.”

The party also voiced its support for Tehran’s decisive response to all those responsible for the brutal terrorist act.

Hamas chief slams assassination of Iran’s nuclear scientist

Separately, the head of the political bureau of the Palestinian Hamas resistance movement condemned the sinful crime, expressing solidarity with the Islamic Republic of Iran over Fakhrizadeh’s murder.

“The assassination reflects a criminal mentality that promotes targeted killing in broad daylight,” Ismail Haniyeh said in a message of condolences addressed to Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.

“The policy of assassination did not succeed with the resistance front in Palestine, and will fail with the Islamic Republic of Iran, the axis of resistance and the entire Muslim world as well. Such an approach only reflects the mentality of its followers, who tend to violate humanitarian law and all international principles,” Haniyeh stated.

Serious indications of Israeli role in scientist assassination: Zarif

Iran’s foreign minister says the recent assassination of a senior Iranian nuclear scientist bears the clear hallmark of atrocities the Israeli regime.

Yemen’s scholars condemn Iranian scientist’s assassination

Moreover, Yemen Scholars Association said in a statement that the colonial US administration and the Tel Aviv regime show bitter hostility towards Islam, Muslims and the intelligentsia.

“The treacherous and sinful assassination of Fakhrizadeh was specifically meant to target a scientist, who used to haunt the Israeli regime, and deal a blow to the Islamic Republic of Iran. It was directed at all Muslim experts in general,” the association noted.

It highlighted that the assassination of the eminent Iranian physicist requires all Muslims as well as their scientific and political elites to stand with Iran in the face of conspiracies it is facing.

Additionally, the leader of the Iraqi National Wisdom Movement, Ammar al-Hakim, denounced the assassination of the top Iranian scientist, stating that he sacrificed his life for his people so they would access clean energy in everyday life.

Fakhrizadeh, who headed the Iranian Defense Ministry’s Organization of Defensive Innovation and Research (known by its acronym SPND), was targeted on Friday in a multi-pronged attack involving at least one explosion and small fire by a number of assailants in Absard city of Damavand County, Tehran Province.

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