Bloody events in the occupied governorates, southern Yemen

Hot and bloody events have taken place in several occupied governorates, southern Yemen.

In Aden Governorate, dozens of recruits surrounded the headquarters of the Saudi-led Aggression Coalition in the governorate, in protest against the deterioration of their conditions.

Media sources with Saudi-led aggression in Aden stated that the recruits surrounded several Saudi officers to demand their salaries, which prompted the Saudi forces to present inside the coalition headquarters to seek help from the so-called Transitional Council, which in turn sent military reinforcements and surrounded the protesters.

The sources claimed that the so-called Protection Brigade, present inside the headquarters of the coalition, declared rebellion against the Saudi forces, noting that the rebellion – as it was described – came as a result of a delayed payment of their salaries for several months.

In the governorate of Abyan, a military commander loyal to the Islah party militias was killed on Monday by UAE-backed southern transitional council militias fires.

The sources mentioned that the commander of technical affairs in the 315 brigade, Mohammed al-Khadhir killed due to the violent bombing carried out by the southern militants on Islah sites in the east of Zunjbar city.

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