Sana’a celebrates the marriage of 3300 grooms and brides

The capital, Sanaa, Wednesday, celebrated the weddings of more than 3,300 brides and grooms in a festive event organized by the General Authority for Zakat ,which was attended by a large number of statesmen.

At the cermoney, in the presence of members of many Yemeni officials, the head of the General Authority for Zakat, Sheikh Shamsan Abu Nashtan, explained the Authority’s keenness to embody the meaning of solidarity and social compassion through the collective wedding celebration that the authority launched for 3300 brides and grooms.The number of those targeted by the Zakat Authority during the past two years reaches six thousand and 500 grooms and brides.

He pointed out its importance as it comes within the project of chastity and among the priorities of the Zakat Authority in Sharia banks, which targets the poor, the needy, the defenders, the prisoners, the sons and daughters of the martyrs, the people with special needs, the blind and Bilal’s descendants to confront the soft war through which the enemies are trying to invade the youth. and members of society.

Sayyed. Abdul-Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi delivered a speech during which he congratulated the brides and grooms.He also welcomed all the attendees from the members of the Supreme Political Council, the Mufti of Yemen and the rest .


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