Lahj governor reveals information about the agenda of colonizing eastern coasts

Lahj governor Ahmed Hammoud Jurib, has considered the recent British and US moves in the eastern coasts of Yemen as an open international conspiracy.

The governor indicated in a statement that these maritime movements revealed the conspiracy being carried out by new colonial powers in the southern provinces of Yemen.

Jurib accused the so-called the Saudi-backed exiled Hadi government of providing the cover for the occupying countries to intervene militarily in the south and implement a colonial agenda.

He stressed that the exiled government’s silence on the violation of the Yemeni national sovereignty by the Saudi-UAE coalition countries and the forces of colonial arrogance.

The governor called on the free people of the southern provinces to stand together to confront the colonial plots that are being implemented through Saudi Arabia, the Emirates and the mercenary government, and to work to thwart all plots targeting those provinces.

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